Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Market wrap - 4:20 pm

The markets took a tumble today on the bad report last night from Alcoa, who was down over 11 percent. Chevron gave warnings their profits may be on the short end so they effect the refiners. The dollar rallied in the after noon, and gold got whacked to a tune of $23.70. The dollar has fallen for 3 days now, but crude oil followed today, down $1.89, closing at $80.63 at the bell.

The bond auctions went off good, but the 6+ bid to cover for 0.00 percent interest on the 1 month (28 day)is interesting. Links below to official releases below.

In other news, the AIG mess was getting some ink today because congress claims they will subpoena communications between parties. I haven't read it all so I don't have much to say about it. The White House is talking of taxing the banks for their risky behavior, which the pump monkeys on TV yapped about all day. It gets tired hearing them shill for the crooks on Fraud Street.

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